Monday, March 25, 2013

Coastal Flounder Gigging

You can't visit the coast without making a trip to go flounder gigging! 
The best place to go flounder gigging is right after the Neuse River turns into the Trent river. We like to go to a little place called Duck Creek. You have to go in shallow water because you need to be able to stand and move freely in the water. 

The best time is to go at night. Since it is dark we take a couple spot lights with us. We put on waiters and venture out into the shallow night waters. Carrying a boat tube with us gives us space to put extra gear and flounder after we catch them.

It is important to have a sharp rod or shaft to be able to puncture the flounder with no problem. You can buys these at lots of fishing supply stores but since we have been doing this for so long we have our own little secrets. We take old golf clubs that are no longer being used and take the club heads off them. Then we cut the shaft at an angle to a sharp point. It does the trick every time!!!